28 May Parenting the 360 Degree Feedback Way
In this post I provide a step by step parenting system to increase mindfulness and kindness. I've implemented with my kids the 360 Degree Feedback....
In this post I provide a step by step parenting system to increase mindfulness and kindness. I've implemented with my kids the 360 Degree Feedback....
In this post I talk about a foolproof way to increase happiness. I give practical tips and scientific evidence of becoming happier by doing this one thing....
The value of time, a beautiful essay describing how important managing your time is....
The challenge we all are having now is, we are too busy. We are consumed by the busyness trap. I offer 5 Tips to Avoid the Busyness Trap....
The constantly seeking better things in life. I find everyone around me (including myself), always seeking something. In every moment there is a desire to seek pleasure or seek to go away from pain....
In this post I explore, what are values and exercise to identify what are your values? Simply put values are the backbone of your life....
What is the best way to create the life you desire? That's what I've been searching and reading about lately. There are lots of suggestions and advice out there, here's my take...