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Stop struggling, Start thriving

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Workshop for improving well-being and performance.


Discover a revolutionary new approach to well-being and fulfilment, in this 1-day workshop
Conducted By Mrugank (Executive Coach and Psychotherapist – Australia)

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man-standing-sunriseThe demands that we all face each day can often feel overwhelming. We sometime swept away by these demands of life & work.

But there are simple practices behaviour science has discovered that can help people find greater clarity, lower stress, and develop the unshakeable ability to remain centred through life’s toughest challenges.

This coaching program has been designed to help you find or reconnect with a sense of meaning and purpose in all aspect of life. The training also provides personal resilience by teaching a set of skills for overcoming psychological obstacles (fear/anxiety/stress).

The training is a combination of mindfulness and values-based action skills which you can apply in each and every area of your lives (work/career, leisure time, relationships, personal growth, and health).

It is providing you psychological skills which have been proven beneficial if practised regularly by scientific research.

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Is this for me?

This Workshop is for everyone, from CEOs to Clerks, from Presidents to Peons. Whether you lack confidence, working in a high-stress job, suffering from shyness, struggling with low self-esteem or just wanting to be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled – in just one day you’ll learn scientifically proven techniques to achieve it.

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Tell me the benefits.


Reduce stress and worry

Rise above doubt and insecurity, and build genuine confidence

Handle painful thoughts and feelings far more effectively

Break self-defeating habits and develop self-acceptance

Improve performance and find fulfilment in your work

Build deeper, more satisfying relationships

Make a plan to move forward with energy and meaning.

Improved self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

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What do we do?

This Workshop is experiential workshop, so we’ll be actively doing activities and have fun. Below is the session outline for the workshop.

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Your heart’s deepest desires.

In this session we will go through some experiential exercises to identify what really matters to you? Your heart’s deepest desires for the sort of person you want to be and the things you want to do in your time on this planet; in other words, what you want to stand for in life.

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Noticing and untangling from your internal barriers.

In this session we will learn, how we can observe our thoughts and see them for what they are – just products of our busy minds. Reduce influence of unhelpful thoughts on our behaviour and actions. Learn Stress Management Techniques.

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The Matrix.

In this session we learn a tool called “The Matrix” which will help you notice your Emotions, Feelings, Behaviour and Actions in very simple way. Once learned you can incorporate this tool in every moment of your life to create a happier life.

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Let’s Do It.

In this session we will go through defining some goals and actions which are aligned to what really matters to you. We will also identify the obstacles beforehand so you can plan how to handle them in real life. Failure proof goals, is what we set.

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What participants say

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Practical, pragmatic and fun. A little challenging at times - good conditions for growth. MP has deep knowledge and a big heart which really shines through in his teaching.
- Jon from Melbourne, Australia
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I think the 4 sessions worked well, not too many and yet enough to cover the content well. I liked your manner and approach-ability. The hand outs were good and also the use of video/audio/Chinese finger trap thingy were all useful too.Also checking in outside of the sessions has been valuable for me and increases my taking action to succeed or at least keep at it! Thanks heaps MP and good luck!!
- Melanie from Melbourne, Australia
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Gaining awareness of my goals and the conflict between my career & family has been immense value to me. Tips on how to score one goal against another, and what steps I need to take to reach those goals has been really useful. You provided an example in all situations where we were confused, which was great. I also found the overall structure and understanding of why we were there and what we were trying to achieve was clear and beneficial.
-Mark from London, UK
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What do I have to do?

  • Bring an open mind, to learn new concepts and behaviour.
  • Diligent in doing the exercises. Allow only 10-20 minutes a day to build the skills taught in the workshop.
  • Ready to have fun and do the experiential exercises in the workshop. It is entirely your discretion how much you choose to share or keep private.

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Who is the Coach?

mrugank patelMrugank Patel aka MP has a passion for helping people thrive. Working as a Management Consultant, he became increasingly interested in human behaviour. These lead him to pursue formal study in Human Behaviour and Psychology. He is an Australian certified Psychotherapist and Executive Coach.

As a Coach, he is helping individuals maximize their potential for rich, full and meaningful life through evidence based behaviour science. He assists individuals and teams identify their psychological barriers and provide skill sets to enhance performance for greater productivity and well-being.

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Does this really work?

The workshop is based on Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT), which is a unique empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behaviour change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility.You can read about all the scientific evidences at this link..

There are also activities from Positive Psychology and Well-being Theory. Positive psychology is the branch of psychology that uses scientific understanding and effective intervention to aid in the achievement of a satisfactory life, rather than treating mental illness.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”25px”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”grid” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css_animation=””][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_empty_space height=”25px”][vc_column_text]

Mindfulness is like giving your brain steroids, It can transform the brain.

A few years back, the research was just getting started – evidence was anecdotal, and there was no way of knowing for sure if mindfulness practice was truly making the difference that so many were reporting.

We now know that mindfulness practice:

  • Increases the brain waves associated with neural integration and well-being.
  • Leads to an increased sense of well-being, not to mention greater stress resilience and deeper empathy in both professional and personal relationships.
  • Improves attention, learning, and memory.
  • Reduces experiences of pain, including chronic pain.
  • Correlates with reduced feelings of burnout and increased stress resilience.
  • Decreases the frequency and severity of stress, and the symptoms that come with it, including IBS, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction.

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From more participants

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The Majority of things I do are on Auto Pilot, the mindfulness exercise was very useful. The session taught me to be more self-aware, understand the triggers and not react automatically. I did feel sharing my thoughts or feeling on our values in group of mainly strangers might be bit scary or even undesirable, but you were attentive, good eye contact, made me feel at ease and actually speak which I hardly ever do!
-Mel from Melbourne, Australia
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The session on setting goals was very useful, as I learned the importance of creating a step-by-step plan to help achieve my goals. The tip to regularly review the plan and make sure I am on track is something I will be going to integrate in my life. The group sessions were beneficial as it helped me focus on what I want to achieve as well as having the opportunity of verbalizing this during the chats with our group partners. Thanks!!
-Derek from Melbourne, Australia
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Different exercises to accept our thoughts and concept of why acceptance is importance was very helpful. The other impressive concepts were learn to live in present moment via mindfulness, accept the pain and move towards. The video was really helpful to understand the Acceptance and Commitment Training concepts.
-Jamuna from Bangalore, India
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In the short amount of time you've covered some great topics. The Concept of moving away and towards, develop the skills of self-awareness and acceptance were mainly very unique. The Introductory session was very informative & skills related to self-need to be discussed further with future sessions. Looking forward to working together again.
-Meghna from Bangalore, India
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Still not convinced, here are the bonuses


Get all the exercise handouts, slides, videos, audios and more… to keep forever.

A personalised assessment of your psychological health before and after the program.

My 31 Day Manage Your Mind eCourse in one easy to follow eBook.

One hour individual consultation session with MP for FREE (after the program).

This is exclusive workshop for only (TBD) people for maximum learning.

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A courtesy note

These workshop is ‘personal development’ workshops. You will learn skills to overcome your own inner obstacles, to make life rich, full and meaningful, and to effectively handle the stress and difficulty that life inevitably brings. While the skills learned will be helpful for people suffering from depression, anxiety and other psychological conditions, these workshop should NOT be a substitute for professional evaluation, diagnosis or treatment.

Disclaimer: Results may vary person to person and depends on their effort.

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Don’t Postpone Joy.

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